The Marriage Bed by Lakisha Johnson

If you don't like Christian books, you won't like this story. It was heavy on scripture and little else. The story centers around infidelity in a marriage and the ways it can be defiled.  I think what was written was done well.  The sermons or prayers were thought out, well written and relevant to the topic.  However, with every other page being a full prayer or sermon that lasted 2 to 3 pages that left little room for me as a reader to connect with the husband and wife who should have been the focal point of the story and not the prayers. I would have like to have the characters more developed. I think this would have helped minimize the repetitive dialogue between the two. I would have liked to spend more time getting to know the characters and watching them develop instead of feeling preached to every other page. This is not a bad thing. It just tells me this book was not for me, at least not at that time I read it.  All that being said if Christian fiction is a genre you enjoy, you will enjoy the story. It may speak to you in a way that it did not for me.  

Reviewed by KayBee
