Taste: An Erotic Novella

Taste: An Erotic Novella by Fatima Munroe
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

You never know where love and PASSION will find you. Well, apparently it's in an Uber and I need one. Lyric is married to Nolan, who has become complacent and selfish in their marriage. You'll have to read to see what I mean.

Yes. This story is billed as erotica and it is don't go get me wrong. However, the author does a great job of having the story of Lilly and Thad not rely on the hot sex scenes, you got an actual story as well. And just when you've found your footing, the Author throws a twist into the mix that you were not expecting (cough Nolan). You are given lust, love, and witty banter. But, I have to go now my Uber is waiting ;)

Reviewed by KayBee

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