Unexpected by Liza Gaines Book Blog Tour


About the Book:

Undisclosed by Liza Gaines

Series: A Public Relations Novel, Book 1

Publisher: self-published

Release Date (Print & Ebook): June 16, 2020

Length (Print & Ebook): 75,000 words

Subgenre: Contemporary Romance

Warnings: accidental pregnancy, politics, cliffhanger

Order Links:

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UNDISCLOSED is a contemporary romance, about old summer flings, a secret pregnancy, politics and the return of old flames.

After a summer fling in college, Gwen disappears leaving Mac to wonder what happened to her.  When she reappears a dozen years later to work on a presidential campaign with him, she has a secret that turns his life upside down but the magnetic pull between them is as strong as ever.


Book synopsis:

When I stroll into my job interview at a prestigious PR firm in D.C., the last thing I expect is my teenage fling, the sexy and enigmatic Mac, behind the desk. The firm's newest client is a woman running against the incumbent President of the United States, and I want this job so desperately that I can taste it—not to mention I have reasons for needing the income. Big secrets I've kept from Mac.

Gwen disappeared years ago then shows up in my office, looking beautiful as ever. And, even worse, it kills me that she's the perfect person for the job. I'm going crazy being in her proximity all the time, pretending we never spent that one hot summer together. Then I discover what Gwen's been hiding from me—a young son with my eyes. Suddenly, my whole world's upended. Between complications with my messed-up family, issues on the campaign trail, and the chemistry reigniting with Gwen, I'm forced to decide what really matters...and the kind of man and father I want to be.


Over the years, I’ve tried to put all my memories of Gwen in a lockbox and throw away the key. It hadn’t worked all that well, but dammit, I tried, and seeing her again has weakened my already fragile defenses. I can’t stop thinking about her. Remembering how soft and serious she could be, how fun it was to coax her out of her shell. How she infuriated me, drove me crazy, made me want her more than I’d ever wanted anyone.

We never talked about our families back then, but I got the sense that someone in her life had burdened her with their unreasonable expectations, just like my dad had me. But unlike me, who cheerfully gave my dad and his plans the finger, Gwen lived inside the box she was put in, obedient and accommodating to a fault. She played by the rules and bent over backward to meet expectations. Except when it came to me.




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About the Author:

Liza Gaines grew up in Michigan before moving to Virginia in 2007.  She misses her family and the Great Lakes but has otherwise fallen in love with her adopted home state.

A dedicated reader, Liza often has her nose in a book.  She also enjoys cooking, baking, knitting, and watching terrible science fiction movies with her husband.  Their small farm in Fredericksburg, Virginia is home to an ever-expanding menagerie that currently includes three dogs, five cats, two horses, and three goats.

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Undisclosed by Liza Gaines | A Novel Take PR

Contact: linn@anoveltake.com
