Lovecontu Song de Light

Lovecontu Song de Light, an audio play, is a part of an audiobook of the same of interwoven stories.

The Review
I knew after listening to the audio poem Ancient Script of Lovecontu that I would be treated to one of the most melodic and soothing voices that I have yet to experience.

If you couple that voice with the descriptive language in which the author creates this play of intimate passions, you have what will soon become one of your favorite audio plays. The author effectively draws you into each character's scene and sets them (the characters) up individually and as a unit. You are allowed to discover their personalities and passions. I found myself envisioning each room, each touch and each emotion the author pulled out of her characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this work and you will as well.  You can purchase your own copy of this wonderful audio play here and don't forget to support this amazing talent by leaving a review.

About the Author
Kaitlynzq currently resides in Northern California. To gain a bit more insight into how she taps into her creative side, you can read the full blog post originally written on March 22nd here.  To enjoy and experience more from this author, please select any of the links below.

I received this audio in return for an honest review. 

#audioplay #poetry #prose #audiopoem
