This Hoe Got Roaches In Her Crib 1 - 3

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Book 1- 2 stars
The visuals you get from the author's extremely descriptive (and more times than not just downright gross) language brought on moments of nausea. I kept going to see what the big deal was about this particular author's stories or writing style that had many people not on his team or if it had to do with the writing at all.
I quickly learned that his ability to paint such a vivid description of characters, places, and interactions between the players is not for the faint of heart. There were quite a few grammatical and character mixups, but this setup for a series was well executed. The characters were developed and there was a clear plot.
Book 2 - 3 stars
You know what? This story was entertaining. A large part of Book 1 was stomach churning, which speaks to the author's talent in creating a visual. But, book 2 moved beyond that marketing ploy used to catch your eye and took us through some serious emotions. You felt the pain and fear in Myah, the young heroine the story centered around. The pitifulness that was her mother, Fredquisha and grandmother, Evelyn. Sadly, there are people in the world just like these two. I won't even mention the condition that the kids were forced to endure. I seriously almost cried during that last chapter it was heartbreaking. The author got his footing in this book and delivered.
Book 3 - 4 stars
The story was intense, extremely emotional and heartbreaking. The series wrapped up in a nice tidy bow. I enjoyed it even though I looked for reasons not to enjoy it.
Self-hating black person, white person or clever marketing ploy, I can't deny the fact that whatever it is this author has people talking and he is clearly "winning" on some level.
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