Chi-Town Bosses & The Women That Love Em (Books 1-4)

 Chi-Town Bosses & The Women That Love Em
                                                     My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

 In Anna Black’s fantastic new novel, her latest character Gabrielle Jackson comes to terms with her fiancé Mario and their failed fifteen-year relationship and decides to move back to her hometown Chicago, IL to start all over again.

Gabrielle (Gabby) Jackson meets her fiancé Mario Tillman around the age of fifteen when he moves into her neighborhood, and they quickly become an item. When he enlists in the United States Army, Gabby leaves everything behind to join him in Fort Hood, Texas and five years after she moves in, he finally proposes. Even though Gabby learns that Mario is sleeping with other women, getting the news that one of his side chicks is pregnant, was too much and she finally throws in the towel. Ten years of lies, cheating and no wedding date, she decides to head back to Chicago, to get over Mario and have a fresh new start.

Club owner, Gabriel (Gutta) Wilkerson is a true bachelor, and he loves the life he is living. Although he has a steady woman in his life named Trina Nichols, things are no more than physical for him and when he lays eyes on Gabby, one night at his club, Passion’s he doesn’t deny the instant attraction that he had for her and pulling the plug on his lover Trina was a breeze. He knew marriage, and kids were in the cards for him, but he just didn’t know the desires to make that happen, would come sooner than later, because from the night he met Gabby, he knew she was the one. But is she ready for what he has to offer, or will she let her past relationship with Mario dictate her future? Will Trina walk away as easy as Gutta predicts, or will she fight for what she believes belongs to her?
They say loves always wins, but will that be the case for Gutta & Gabby?

Audiobook Series Review 
This series introduces us to a group of women who are a mix of sisters and friends and the men that come to love them. Each book focuses on a particular couple.  

Book 1 introduced us to Gabriel and Gabrielle. Gabrielle ended a long term relationship that left her a bit jaded after being lied to and cheated on multiple times. When she met Gabriel, who had not had a serious relationship, it was love at first sight. There were a couple of hiccups on their road to happiness. The characters and plot were developed. The story moved at a moderate pace but seemed to move slower because I was not fully engaged in their story. I'm not quite sure why the story was not engaging to me because it had the necessary elements to be a good read.

My feelings changed as I moved to Book 2, Rel's, and Chastity's story. She had an abusive ex who not only found her,  harassed and attempted to rape, but showed s the lengths the four brothers would go to protect their own. 

Book 3, Grace's and Malice's story, I found was interesting in the way that it portrayed the "BBW" of the group. She was shy on the surface, but underneath was a multi-talented spitfire.  I know too often how we "big girls" tend to dim our light so as not to draw undue attention to ourselves for whatever reason. No, this is not always the case, but it does happen.  Malice was the head of a security firm that employed, a criminal that his lady love had put away for a crime. The criminal came back to teach her a lesson and commenced to stalking and harassing her. 

Book 4 Gemma's and Royal's relationship was a bit rocky to start.  to Royal,  Gemma was a basic woman not up to his standards. There was a bit of drama when his promiscuous past came back to haunt him but was quickly washed away after an accident occurred. 

All the stories had decent character development and the plots moved very quickly. It was not quite an "insta-love" situation for them all, but close enough. These were quick easy reads, but I was not fully engaged in all of the stories despite them having hit the key elements of what makes a good read. Maybe you can tell me what I missed. Please get your copies below and support the author by leaving a review. 

