Bookshelf Spotlight- Cassandra Dyer

Cassandra Dyer, who lives in England (UK), is a new face on the romantic fiction scene. With gentle nudging from her father, she has turned her hobby into a new career. When she was younger, she had dreams of being a fireman to which her mother would respond with a chuckle and state, “You can’t be a fireman you can be a firewoman”. Well, she didn't become a fireman, but she did have another dream. A dream that would be the inspiration behind her first written story. Ms. Dyer published her first story in October 2017 at the age of 21 while attending school and working toward a degree. She hasn't forgotten the feeling of seeing the manifestation of her hard work in the form of a physical copy of her book. Seeing the great job the cover artist did with capturing her needs including the speech bubbles she specifically requested made it all feel real.
Her current schedule includes educating herself and ensuring that she squeezes in her "me" time. Self-care is very important. A few things that are a part of her self-care regime are movie nights with friends and family, traveling, cooking, feeding the ducks and aiding the homeless. If you see her out and about on one of her excursions, you just might see her texting or recording story ideas to herself in her phone when the need strikes.
New readers, you can join her current, very vocal, readers in Ms. Dyer's reading group on Facebook. She has a lively group that she engages with regularly. In the immediate future, we can look forward to a new standalone in June. She's mum about the characters and story for now, but stay tuned. In the meantime, please visit Cassandra's landing page on Amazon to purchase her current catalog, which includes the Love and Success Series.
You can engage with the Author in her reading group on Facebook or Instagram
