The Beast of Wheeler Ridge: Beauty and the Beast meets Jurassic Park:Gritty fantasy thriller

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Wolf girl gone feral...
A DNA experiment gone horribly wrong...
A beast who will stop at nothing.
Seth Anson, a lovelorn forest ranger, never thought that he would shoot the first eligible woman he met after his divorce. Nor did he think that he would fall in love with her after nursing her back to health. But he certainly isn’t prepared to find out that she is the result of a DNA cloning experiment gone horribly wrong and, is in fact, a hybrid human/wolf.
It all comes to a head atop Devils Tower Wyoming.
The Beast of Wheeler Ridge examines the lurid morality issues that are dealt with in The Island of Doctor Moreau, while exploring the theme of forbidden love as can be found in Beauty and the Beast, only with the gender rolls reversed.
Wolves, wild animals, and beasts, Oh My! This story evokes action, mystery, and romance. All of these combined inside a relationship between a half-werewolf-human, Melina Salinger and a human, Seth Anson. Melina was made by her "father" Davis along with a pack of other wolves mixed with DNA. Melina longs to escape the confinement of the compound where she was created and taught, which is how the story opens. She attacks farm animals after her escape for food and falls into the hands of Seth. He teaches and takes care of her. However, Romulus was also born of the pack and is a force to be reckoned with. Will good (Melina) win over evil (Romulus)? Will love (Seth) save Melina from danger or death? These are the questions Mr. Stevenson wants you to ask yourself while you read this out-of-this-world book. Though the story did not capture my attention, I see how it can lead you on a fast-paced, action-packed ride. Seth and Melina had the chemistry needed for this true to its genre, fantasy-themed, romance-laced, action-soaked story. A few grammatical errors threw me off a few times and while there wasn't a moment that truly stood out, I would give it 3.5 out of 5 stars and definitely recommend to anyone a fan of fantasy.
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