The Unfettered Child

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Her tribe is shattered. Her parents are gone.
When eight-year-old Samara faces the capture of her tribe, an unimaginable power awakens within her. Even as this magic threatens to consume her, a disembodied voice intervenes, offering guidance and helping her control these newfound abilities.
Meanwhile, Samara’s father chases his wife’s captors across an unfamiliar terrain. But can Orin find his wife in time to save her? Will Samara learn to control her power and reunite with her family? And who is the mysterious entity traveling with her?
The story of an eight-year-old Samara coping with her tribe being captured and unearthed powers. I think the author did a good job of character development. I could feel the anger that the leader and Samara's father felt during the aftermath of the battle with their enemy. I also enjoyed watching Samara come into her own. The author introduces us to many characters, as well as a few languages. You will need to pay attention to the many moving pieces here. I also noticed that there wasn't a lot of "world" building. This is strictly driven by the characters Sahd created, which works. The story moved quickly, with moments of violence, but it all worked well together as long as you could keep up and keep the "Who's who?" straight. Overall, if you like a dark fantasy story with a few sprinkles of violence this is for you |
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