Blood Money: Through My Veins

My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars
This story was of Pete Synn and his sons Flip & Dolla. Dolla and Pete were heavily in the streets. Young Flip thought he wanted to be a part of the street life, but he was not built for the death and mayhem that came with it. Each man had to deal with the loss of the boys' Mother at the hands of street violence. As the story unfolds and it's discovered who played a hand in the death of the mother, young Flip & his family are exposed to more heartache and shock.
This was a solid plot. However, the story appeared to have little to no editing or proofing. To prevent the characters from being flat or one-dimensional, a solid backstory could have been added as well as actions that could have helped the readers connect to them. At times, the passages had a poetry cadence to them. i.e. Everything for keeps, scarred the minds and heart of the Synn family in their home off Simpson Road.” What does this mean? I can assume intent, but can’t be for certain. However, what truly made this a difficult and confusing read was the lack of structure, numerous grammatical and punctuation errors and unnecessary wordiness. Example, “This Dolla ride?” Chase asked as he magician his face and hands of the sinful breakfast.
I would love to see this book re-formatted, re-edited or edited and re-released.
reviewed by KayBee
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