Princess Turned Gangstress

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Book 1 was well written and made for an interesting setup for a series. Nyoora left a regular life with a somewhat regular fiance for a bad boy she met on lockdown. Jemel, her bad boy, betrayed her in the most offensive of ways. You almost felt bad for Nyoora and the fact that she was a bit naive in dealing with someone who is involved in the streets as heavily as Jemel. She was not ready for that mentality either. The story had some entertaining characters and drama. Trifling siblings, betrayal, violence, and lies make up this story. The snakes and jealousy scenes were written well. And again that poor clueless Nyoora. The only thing about book 1 is that it ended in such an odd spot that I thought I was missing some of the book.
Book 2 continued along the same vane as book 1- Sex, killing, plotting..killing...more plotting coupled with irrational behavior...more killing...rejection and more killing. The naive princess becomes an unstable serial killer, not a gangstress, but I was still here for it.
Overall, the Author delivered an entertaining and well-written story with minimal errors to be found.
Reviewed by KayBee
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