Lady Elect

Lady Elect

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Drama filled urban Christian story that does not "preach" and hit your over the head with religion

I listened to the audio version of this story and it is the first story by this author that I have experienced. First off kudos to the author for creating this interesting tale. I am always leery of urban Christian because you do not want them to become "preachy". However, this tale was full of drama, twists, betrayal, healing and a few scriptures that helped to
propel the story forward. There were a few times where I felt the story dragged in its effort to drive home a point, but all in all a good, entertaining story. Unfortunately, there are some devious "church folk" in real life. While they may not all go to the extreme as the "co-villain" in this tale, they do exist. I am on to book 2. I am hoping that book 2 will build on the momentum the author created in this installment. I saw previous books that came before Lady-elect that has characters connected to this story. It couldn't hurt to read those to get the backstory on the characters in this one to take them out of the one-dimensional category.

Now let's get you that book!

Reviewed by KayBee
