Backdoor Kingpin: Down Low Suspense Romance

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Mel Cotton inherited the great Kingdom empire from his mentor only to find that being on TOP isn't as easy as it seems.
From problems with the connect to possible snitches in the crew, Mel finds his hands full especially when he has to scratch his itch that no one knows exists.
Will the kingdom survive, will Mel make it out, and most importantly can he do it without anyone discovering the truth.
Book Review
It takes a lot to put your work out there for scrutiny or enjoyment. I think this author's talent will flourish as she continues this journey. Her concepts seem to be very good. The execution and delivery just need work. There were full pages that repeated entire conversations. The POV and timelines were confusing due to incorrect word usage, incomplete sentences, irrational reactions and mixing up characters. The story seemed to lose direction at times and thus making it a bit chaotic. It felt like large portions of this story were missing i.e. Gary's story, which seemed to end prematurely.
I loved the concept and would have thoroughly enjoyed it if it were properly executed.
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