Jholee & Kiandre: A Gangsta And His Good Girl

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This author knows how to elicit strong emotions from her readers.
Book 1
Jholee and TK's story - Jholee was almost too good of a girl. She was extremely green. TK, the gangsta, and bad boy. I did not like either initially. Jholee, I wanted to say toughen up and smarten up. I did like that the storyline wasn't your typical he's a dope dealer and she's a good girl turned stripper. The route she attempted to take in order to help out her family was not one I've seen in AA fiction that I've read thus far. It was a refreshing change. The story was moderately paced with not a lot of movement, but that is to be expected since it was the first installment in the trilogy. And while I couldn't really connect with any of the characters just yet, but I'm sure it will happen soon enough. I can't say that I felt any chemistry between Johlee and TK despite their scenes together. However, with that ending, I fully anticipate book 2 to start off with a bang.
Book 2-
The opening- If I didn't think Jholee was a hot mess before I did during this opening. Six men advance on you and your response is to drop to the floor, wrap your knees around you and cry? Being sheltered is one thing, but not realizing that a faceless, postless person on social media is not trustworthy is another. She came across even more juvenile in this installment than in book one. TK was the typical player. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. He was honest about it. The back and forth between the two became a bit much, especially with no chemistry between the two. As in book 1, I am understanding what was the attraction between the two. The story was full of nonsensical drama, but there was not much movement from a storyline perspective. I'm hoping the story finds its rhythm in the final installment. From a technical standpoint, it was well formatted with minimal errors.
Book 3-
Now, Book 3 brought everything together. You can see the chemistry between TK and Jholee. All of the characters as a whole were entertaining even the "villians". I was floored when TK brought up the idea of marriage. The first two books revolved around a lot of back and forth and them having a good day and then being apart for 2 weeks or more at a time. I was confused as to why the age difference was treated like it was 15 or more years. Jholee was only 2 years younger than Chey. Maybe I misread. The age difference between Joe-Lee Jr and Linda now that was something. TK fainting in the doctor's office gave me a good chuckle. Jhloee's new found "confidence" was also nice to see even if she was not a likable character. The supporting cast helped make her character tolerable. Her father is at the top of that list. While this series as a whole was not for me, Book 3 was. This author knows how to deliver the goods on a story. and that's what she did in book 3. As always the formatting was on point, there were minimal errors and nothing to note on that front. For me had this been a standalone novel, it would have packed a more powerful punch.
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