Author Spotlight- Ice Mike

Ice Mike, a California native, is an author, a poet, and an advocate. After being heavily immersed in a criminal lifestyle, he made the decision to leave that world behind and move in a positive direction. In doing so, he hoped to inspire others and let them know that regardless of their circumstances, they could find purpose. I was introduced to this charismatic Author in late 2018 when he commented on one of my posts. I had just created my blog and was finding my way and this guy comments "How you call yourself a book club and you don't have Ice Mike on your list?" My initial response was "Umm okay" Needless to say I immediately started checking him out and boy am I glad I did. I started reading Deeply Rooted, which gives you a peek into the life of Bad Boy and the treachery that ensues when he steals 5 million dollars from a feared kingpin in Cali. This story spawned 2 sequels- Deeply Rooted 2 & Deeply Rooted 3. In addition to this series, he also penned Golden State Heavyweights. The story is about Xavier Hightower, leader of The Duffle Bag Bwoys and their rise or demise. You'll have to read it to find out. If you've never read a book by this creative talent, you have missed an intense look into street life. He delivers street life with a raw, gritty and suspense-filled pen.
Mike was gracious enough to allow me to do a short feature on him. And like his novels, his responses pull no punches and you get to experience the real Ice Mike. I hope you enjoy getting to know him as much as I did. Who would have thought this kid who had dreams of being a professional athlete would now be a fresh new voice in street fiction.
1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I realized that I wanted to be a writer in 2010. I was sitting in the hole (solitary confinement), and the brotha next door to me kept encouraging me to consider writing a book. It was at a time when I was getting hella tired of reading boring ass predictable books, so that’s when I decided to write my own stories. Stories that are not predictable. Stories that are intelligently narrated. Stories that are action-packed from beginning to end…
2. How long does it take you to write a book?
I wrote Deeply Rooted in 36 days. I wrote Deeply Rooted 2 in 72 days. After that, I stopped keeping track of how long it took to write books. For me now, it depends on the mood I’m in and how much free time I have to write.
3. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
My work schedule while writing is probably me dedicating about 70% of my free time to the writing process.
4. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
An interesting writing quirk for me is that I use mood music to tap into the energy of whatever scene/character I am writing about.
5. How did you feel when your first book was published?
I can’t even describe the feeling that I felt after seeing my 1st book (Deeply Rooted) published. After holding that book in my hands! And knowing that I was the one who wrote it! It was an incredible feeling that was mixed with pride/accomplishment/overwhelming joy/and a bunch of other good shit that I can’t explain!
6. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? What inspires you?
Most of the information I rely on, or use, is stuff I’ve personally witnessed, seen on tv, or heard about from people around me.
7. When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I wrote my first book in 2010. I was 40 when I wrote it. It was an anthology titled Dipped In Chocolate.
8. What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I like to go to the movies and appreciate the beauty of another person’s imagination. I like to work with at-risk youth. I enjoy breathtaking moments and I create memories during them.
9. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
One of the most surprising things that I learned is that I love writing books every bit as much as I love reading books, if not more.
10. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? Why?
I’ve written 10 books total. And my favorite is all of them. I can’t love one of my books more than any of the others, same as I can’t love any of my limbs more than the others. I love my imagination, so I love all of my books equally. However, I do have characters that I like more than other characters. For instance, I like Wahdatah (Wah – da – tah), the main character in the Deeply Rooted Series. His swag is A-1, he’s charming as fuck, and his personality is hella endearing. And then my guy Xavier Hightower is my next in line as a favorite. He’s an incredibly intelligent thug boss with astronomical ambitions. Xavier plays chess with the game while everybody around him plays checkers with it.
11. Do you hear from your readers much? What kind of feedback have you received?
I often hear from people who’ve read my books and the feedback is always good. The readers show me a gang of love. They compliment me a lot about how descriptive and action-packed my books are, and they love and hate my characters like an avid reader should.
12. What do you think makes a good story?
I think good character development contributes greatly to a good story. A great plot or storyline makes a story good. Well written narratives and shocking revelations make a story good.
13. What can we look forward to from you?
In the very near future, I will be releasing a novel titled; Passion Wit’ A Pistol. After that a book of poems. And before the year is over, I want to release my children’s book; The Ant That Carried The Elephant
Finding a renewed purpose and determination in his life, Ice Mike hopes to help others discover and cultivate their potential creative gifts. I have no doubt he will succeed.
Ice Mike is one to watch in this street literature game. Treat your senses and let's get you something intense and raw to read. Click here for your next read!
