Undercover Orc is LIVE!

Michele Mills News!
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Undercover Orc

Sweet Monsters Treats

By Ava Ross

💚Season 3 of Sweet Monster Treats is Live!🩷

She doesn't do anything spontaneous or wild . . . until a hot orc dares her to try something new.

Bailey: As head librarian in my small town, I take my job seriously. So when I hear a sound in the library's attic while I'm working late and alone, and then a big, green, muscular orc creeps up behind me, I smack him in the head with a stapler. After the theft of an ancient orc book on loan to the library, is it any wonder I'm skittish?

Katar explains he heard me scream and only wanted to help. He's . . . upset, and I guess I can't blame him.
He offers to help me discover who stole the book, and we track down one clue after another. But when he dares me to give into my wild side, I start falling in love.

Katar: Being hit in the head with a stapler is an interesting way to meet my fated mate. That's who this prim and proper, incredibly gorgeous librarian is. I only came to town to discover who stole the ancient orc manuscript. Then I'll return to the orc kingdom forever. But the thought of leaving this curvy, delectable woman makes me want to snarl.

So I'm going to crack this case. I'm going to show Bailey how to let loose. And then I'm claiming her as my bride.

I Need Cozy Mystery Orc Romance!
Available May 13th!
Preorder Now!
Get Swoony Orc Bodyguard!
Available May 20th!
Preorder Now!
I Need Hot Possessive Orc!
Did you miss the last two releases?:)
Good News!

Remember how I battled Uterine Cancer this last year?:(( Just wanted to double-check again that everyone knows I'm fine now - all clear from the CT scan this last March. Cancer all gone and I'm healed. Yay!

Also, concurrently I've been tackling weight loss for years now and I feel I'm making real progress. Thought I'd include a picture of me to show you guys the results so far!

HW: 243
CW: 187
GW: 153

The picture on the left is exactly five years ago and the one on the right I took today. 😍 56 pound weight loss so far! I've been working on this slow and steady for five years trying to lose weight and feel healthier. I'm older now and I just can't carry the weight like I did when I was younger.🤷‍♀️ I originally lost about 35 with keto and intermittent fasting. Then plateaued and stayed the same weight for three years (hurray for not gaining it back though!) I started using Mounjaro/Zepbound last summer as a tool to keep losing and I've lost an additional 23 pounds. Slow but steady with real lifestyle changes wins the race. I'm just going through this phase lately of trying on new clothes and taking full body pictures because I'm delighted 😁 This is the most weight I've ever lost in my life, and I'm actually keeping it off! I haven't been this size since like 1990!😜 You guys, the clothes I'm wearing on the right are not plus size!!! Size 16 regular crop pants and the top is XL from Costco (not the biggest size, but one down!) *happy tears* Working on still losing more too because even after all this weight loss still at a BMI of overweight. Sigh. I'll show more pictures in the future when that happens!

For those of you that struggle with weight loss - temporarily, or your whole damn life like me - just know I'm in the trenches too and I understand! Been there, done that, have the t shirt and the mug!  - Michele
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