Author Spotlight-Deneen A. Connor

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In 2000, Deneen Connor wrote her first book, Tell Him. However, it was not until 2010 that the book was published to which I wrote a review on the entire series here.   After publishing her first book and experiencing the unreal feeling of being a published author, she admits to repeatedly checking purchasing outlets just to make sure it was real. To date, Connor has written a total of 7 books. With her writing schedule taking up to 8 months to a year, she found time to share a little bit of herself with us. Please take this time to enjoy a moment with author Deneen Connor.

                                                          Author Q & A 

Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
A:    It was after I wrote my first book, Tell Him. Originally, I’d planned to be a one-book wonder. I wrote a book and people wanted more. Different stories started to pop up in my head. I became excited to tell these stores. It was then I wanted to be a writer. 

Q: What do you think makes a good story?
A:   One that is not predictable. After my first book, I didn’t want the reader to predict what was going to happen. I enjoy twisting the plot so you don’t know how the book is going to end. 

Q: What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
A:    My writing schedule is weird. I can go for months and months and not write a word. Eventually, the creativity starts flowing and I want to write all the time. There have been times when I was up to three in the morning on a work night writing. 

Q: What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
A: I have to change the background color and font on my word document before I start typing. Even after starting a story, I will change them at least five or six until I find the write color/font combination.

Q: Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? What inspires you?
A:     For the most part, ideas pop up in my head. Other times, I might hear a phrase and think that it can make a great story. Not all ideas and phrases make the cut. If I see the storyline play out like a mini-movie in my head then I get excited to write it. 
My passion for telling a different kind of stories is what inspire me. I enjoy being creative with my words.  

Q: What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
A:    I was shocked to see how well I connect with the characters. For example, in the book Tell Him, the main male character is named Channing. One night while writing, I looked at my watch and said to myself, let me get off this computer before Channing calls. It scared the daylights out of me. I stopped writing for two years. In another instance, I was working on one book when the characters from the previous book I wrote began calling out for me. I stopped working on the current book and began working on the sequel. 

Q:  What do you like to do when you're not writing?
A:    When I am not writing, I love to play Xbox. This is my release. Some women shop, I play Xbox. Sometimes, I play instead of writing. 

Q: Do you hear from your readers much? What kind of feedback have you received?
A:  Readers often reach out to tell me how much they enjoyed reading my books. After writing Tell Him, women contacted me to say how much they identified with the main character, Skky. Over and over they said the book was about their life, they were Skky Carrington. Men even contacted me to say they felt as though I was writing their story too. They expressed how they related to both Skky and Channing. 

Q: What can we look forward to from you?
A:   Although, I love writing romance I want to try other genres. I’ve already dipped into suspense with my Wedding Day series. I am currently working on storylines that include, comedy, drama and more suspense. I am also working on turning my series, Tell Him and Wedding Day into screenplays. 

Outside of social media, you can stay up to date by checking out her website, I Am An Author. Also, if you purchase any books through her website, she personally autographs each copy before sending them out.  I hope you enjoyed reading about this fun and exciting author and are ready to meet her funny, exasperating and engaging characters like Skky and Channing. You can click any image below to purchase her work and to dive into her world.

Tell Him Series

The Wedding Series

Standalone (nonfiction)
