Author Appreciation Day 6 w/ Kim K.


Kim K. has always been intrigued with intriguing plots and captivating storylines. By the time she reached college, writing became second nature. Years later, she finally decided to formally publish her works for the world to see. What sets her apart from others is her keenness on delving into unexpected topics that center around intimate moments. Her past books have addressed depression, sibling rivalry, mental disabilities, body size controversy, the importance of therapy, interracial love, discovering individual sexuality and more. 

 Thank you for allowing me the chance to get to you know a little better in an informal setting. Join me for an informal chat with Author Kim K. You can support by making use of the links below and leaving a book review for the author.

All of her published books can be found on the Amazon platform under Kimisha Alexander or Kim K. She can be found on social media as Authoress Kim K

