Experience First



Agatha is tired of using her inexperience as an excuse to not date her sexy boss. Lucky for her, her best friend Melissa just had the best sex of her life at "Infinite," a sex club that makes your fantasies come true. Will Agatha use the gold, embossed card to get the experience she desperately desires?

                                                                    Book Review

Agatha's personal life left a lot to be desired after a lackluster date she gave up. She was so disenchanted that she turned down the date of someone she was interested in. I had no illusions that this would be anything more than a scene or two as it was only 10 pages long and the author tells you upfront that it is an extremely short story.  What she didn't tell you is that in between those 10 pages is a hint of romance, insecurity, and a night of erotic exploration that leads to an awakening for our protagonist, Agatha. 

If you take this short story for what it is, you'll enjoy the pace, flow, structure and great editing job that author presents along with the potential for more from out dear Agatha. My only concern is that a many a reader will be perturbed at the length, especially if part 2 is not forthcoming..............quickly.

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