The Maiden's Song (The Seeds of Hope Book 1)

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

First, It took me a minute to start the book. It has a whopping 769 pages. I don't think I had read a book that long since A Song of Ice & Fire, especially a fantasy book.

The story of Mouse and Seldy's journey and how they are entangled was very well written and properly executed in format and structure. The author weaves with intricate detail the journey to come. I can't say much without giving it away. The Author did an amazing job of developing the characters and allowing their story to unfold organically. He mixed that with a host of interesting and vital supporting characters. Through his words, I could almost feel each scene and the emotions, especially the pain, that was endured. I liked the fact that the Author didn't just tell us of the personal growth, but it was demonstrated through action and the reactions of our primary character. While lengthy, the story did manage to keep me engaged enough to want to complete and find out what's next in this story. Mr. Pierce has set a high standard for himself that I hope is maintained in the sequel.

“The Enemy comes for you, child. A foe like no other. The night will be long and dark. The dangers will seem too great. But you must find your song, child, even when that seems impossible...”

You'll have to read it to find out why those words are relevant and important.

Reviewed by KayBee
