Indebted In Blood

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This street tale had a lot of moving pieces and even more characters to keep track of as it evolved. You will need to pay attention to remember everyone. The story of a family heavily involved in the drug game divided by betrayal and greed. One cousin blamed for the death of another and imprisoned. As we learn of the parties involved in the setup, we get to see how Dre, the wrongfully imprisoned cousin, makes "money moves" in prison. It was interesting to see the association he was able to create behind bars. And how he was able to set himself up financially in anticipation of his release. It was even more entertaining as his revenge game was put in motion. I eagerly anticipated seeing how it would all come together. And I was not disappointed.
From a technical perspective, the characters were developed, the plot was strong and the tale was engaging. I'm ready for the sequel. The only drawback to this story was the numerous errors i.e. incorrect tense, incorrect word usage. I spent a bit of time trying to figure out what the author meant.
All in all the author knows how to spin a tale. I would, however, advise them to employ a good beta reader or proofreader to catch those last minute errors before publishing.
Reviewed by KayBee
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