She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2

She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2She Gave Her All to the Hood’s Finest 2 by Shvonne Latrice
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In the second installment, more skeletons will be revealed, truths will be faced, and hard decisions will be made. The love of off-kilter Tony and passionate Camarih is surely being tampered with, but a test or two is nothing to a certified gangsta that has no problem slanging a few bullets and exhausting all extremes to keep his girl. The other couples also return, one seeing the detriment their ill-fated affair has caused, and the other going from simple admiration to a whirlwind romance.

Book Review

I was anticipating this sequel after that dramatic ending in book 1. I will not give away any spoilers in this review and will keep it brief. I liked that the story picked up right where book one left off to pull you into the story. I like that Tony, while still extremely unstable, continued to grow and support Camarih and that she while not fully believing in herself slowly came around. I like that we got more insight into the lives of the supporting cast. The author does a great job of intertwining multiple storylines while not drowning us completely with gratuitous sex or being unnecessarily wordy. While there were a few grammatical errors. They were not enough to fully distract from the story, which continued to move at a moderate pace and read like a hood drama. I look forward to seeing how the author will bring all the stories together and conclude the series.

I  am going to end my review by saying that you if you don't like brash, rude, dominant alpha male mentality coupled with women who are sometimes "damsels in distress" with attitude, then this author is not for you. I know many take issue with the females that are coupled with these men.  But what I think people don't see is that both are broken and their coupling makes them stronger individuals. Not all the women are weak and not all the men are dominant. But the author has a formula and it works for her fanbase.

You can see my review for book 1 here.  Get your copy today and don't forget to leave a review. Happy reading!

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