Lost Boy

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

It was supposed to be quick, in and out. A put the tim down type of lick, that’s all. But it all went so very wrong…fast. Jabari had this crazy passion for being in the wrong place at the wrong time and making a helluva lot of wrong decisions. His homeboy paid a price for it with his life and Jabari ends up with two bodies on his hands. 

He needs to obtain money back that was stolen from a slick, ghetto, sheisty District Attorney, then find the only witness to the murders so he can have a clean slate. On top of it all, the witness also happens to be the one who’s found the money. But there are others stalking him, wanting the same thing, the money. Jabari needs to handle business fast before he too becomes the next victim or body, so he won’t be forever…

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 Book Review
I was thoroughly pleased when I read this story.  The story started off with drama moved to action and ended with a bit of suspense. It moved almost as quickly as the murder game the characters didn't hesitate to put down.  I think the author gave us a raw and gritty depiction of street life for the protagonist, Jabari, as he raced against time to find what he was searching for in the story. The women also held court in this book. I won't say how, but you will love these ...hmmm... spitfires lol.

The characters were developed and the content was engaging. I look forward to seeing what else this author will produce. Fans of street literature pick your copy here today and support the author by leaving a review. Happy reading! 

About the Author
The author Dean Hamid was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Over the past ten years, he has been writing articles, commentaries, short stories and has managed to write five novels. Given the opportunity to correspond with published authors; it’s been said that his work swings toward what African Americans describe as Urban Fiction Drama with a propensity towards a slick old-school literary voice.
In his youth he read the works of Donald Goines, Iceberg Slim, Richard Wright and the poetic banter of James Baldwin, over and over again, all the while hiding their books from his peers because reading wasn’t “cool”. Growing up in New York City’s hardcore Bushwick –Hylan Projects, his writing is not necessarily intended to glamorize the quote-unquote gangsters, or even the street life, but to emphasize the presence of the drama that was involved and surrounded around it. 

Dean Hamid works tirelessly to keep his work professional, yet gritty. His work successfully proves and drives home this point. 

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