A Real Kind of Love

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I'm a little on the fence with my rating for this book. On the one hand, I love a good love story. I love when love wins. I love seeing the promise, the struggle and the ending to love. This book gave us a woman, Avelyn, who was not interested in love. It was unwanted in her life. She was bitter. Enter, love in the form of Dasiah. In their journey to love there was disrespect, a lot of angst, self-discovery, anger and yet there was very little in the way of romance. I didn't necessarily feel the chemistry between the couple. I'm not sure if that is why I was not convinced this was necessarily about love, but maybe another four-letter word-feel. Learning to feel, communicate and accept love. Both characters needed to grow, but Avelyn's character was the most difficult. I am not certain if that character's reactions -that sometimes made little sense- is what kept me at bay. I like the Author and I will be reading part two.
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