Apollo & Me

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
“To the Goddess within us all. May she be recognized and fully expressed on this Earth at long last. “
Cate Montana
This was my first read by this author and I was not quite sure what to expect. Cate Montana brings us the story of writer Kathryn Adams and her story of self-discovery while on respite on a Greek island. After living through an abysmal book signing day thanks to a blizzard our heroine is a bit dismayed and unclear of her next direction and a bit lonely. During her time away she meets a man who she feels an immediate and overwhelming connection. What she doesn't realize at the time is that they have met before. Once the man who reveals himself to be Apollo, yes that Apollo, she is faced with the reality of uncovering her inner Goddess and the reason the Greek God approached her.
This meeting and "friendship" awakens Kathryn sexually, emotionally and spiritually on levels she had no idea existed. One line during this time resonated with me as a "seasoned woman". Kathryn states that she is ".....old enough to know that sexual attraction offers false promise and no safety whatsoever." When many of our own desires are awakened without a viable serious outlet, we turn to what or who is easy and that choice provides no real comfort to us in the long run, but I digress.
Apollo shares his memories of his love Polymnia with Kathryn. He relays his feelings of love and despair in knowing that his love was to be harmed and not being able to save her from the pain. For me, this is where Kathryn's true journey of self-discovery begins. The author tells Kathryn and Apollo's story with descriptive language that takes you along each stroll through. each dinner that was prepared and each test Kathryn had to go through. When Apollo's true reason for finding her now comes to light, you feel the passion, love, and anger that bounces between the two, just as you feel the acceptance when Kathryn realizes what she must do.
This story will appeal to readers who want to be reminded that we each come with inner an inner Goddess as you take the leisurely stroll of redemption, reincarnation, and love as they work towards saving humanity from the evil that lurks.“To the Goddess within us all. May she be recognized and fully expressed on this Earth at long last. “
Cate Montana
This was my first read by this author and I was not quite sure what to expect. Cate Montana brings us the story of writer Kathryn Adams and her story of self-discovery while on respite on a Greek island. After living through an abysmal book signing day thanks to a blizzard our heroine is a bit dismayed and unclear of her next direction and a bit lonely. During her time away she meets a man who she feels an immediate and overwhelming connection. What she doesn't realize at the time is that they have met before. Once the man who reveals himself to be Apollo, yes that Apollo, she is faced with the reality of uncovering her inner Goddess and the reason the Greek God approached her.
This meeting and "friendship" awakens Kathryn sexually, emotionally and spiritually on levels she had no idea existed. One line during this time resonated with me as a "seasoned woman". Kathryn states that she is ".....old enough to know that sexual attraction offers false promise and no safety whatsoever." When many of our own desires are awakened without a viable serious outlet, we turn to what or who is easy and that choice provides no real comfort to us in the long run, but I digress.
Apollo shares his memories of his love Polymnia with Kathryn. He relays his feelings of love and despair in knowing that his love was to be harmed and not being able to save her from the pain. For me, this is where Kathryn's true journey of self-discovery begins. The author tells Kathryn and Apollo's story with descriptive language that takes you along each stroll through. each dinner that was prepared and each test Kathryn had to go through. When Apollo's true reason for finding her now comes to light, you feel the passion, love, and anger that bounces between the two, just as you feel the acceptance when Kathryn realizes what she must do. My only negative was that while I could feel what each character felt, I did not feel they had any chemistry between each other. Granted it could have gone over my head as it could have just been a case of me not being familiar with this author's writing style.
This was my first work by the author, but it will not be my last.
This story will appeal to readers who want to be reminded that we each come with inner an inner Goddess as you take the leisurely stroll of redemption, reincarnation, and love as they work towards saving humanity from the evil that lurks.
My rating is a 3.5
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review, which I gave voluntarily.
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