Dating A Female Goon

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I really liked the premise of a female goon. Zani was indeed a real goon. She was much harder and more calculating than a lot of the men. Mz. Biggs did a great job of showcasing all the things that made her one instead of just telling us that she was a certain type of person. The closing scene in which she tells Ceasar that he has no choice but to love her and be with her and their child I think as my favorite.
Zani handed betrayal just as one would have expected someone with that title to handle it. Whether it was betrayal from family or longtime friends, they were dealt with accordingly. I think the author did a good job. I read this book in one sitting. My only issue would be the grammatical errors. Not the slang the characters used, but using the incorrect tense when a character was not speaking.
At any rate, I enjoyed the story and I think you might too if you want a different kind of female lead.
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