The Becoming by Lilith Thorn Virtual Book Tour

GENRE: Paranormal Romance Erotica


Niamh is a good wife. She learned early on that crossing her husband had consequences. Living quietly in the shadowed cage he has formed around her, Niamh suffers his secrets and bares the scars they leave behind.

On the night of her biggest humiliation Caleb enters the ballroom changing Niamh’s course forever. He brings safety to her dark world and introduces her to the possibility of escape. Will Niamh’s love for Caleb be the key to her freedom or will it be her undoing?


Chapter Six

I began to remove my clothing, feet first, when I heard the door to the sitting room open. Without hesitation, my guest walked through the room to where I sat. Caleb. I was on my feet immediately, though I had barely taken a step toward him before he had me enveloped in his arms. With both grace and speed, the perfectly made bed and my body collided with Caleb on top.

I was lost to him for what seemed like a moment and forever all at the same time. His hands and my hands both explored the figure opposite them, as if they were making sure the other was really there. Our lips were sealed to one another, tongues exploring as our hands were. My body instinctively pressed itself against his with no desire to be anywhere else. My skirts were bulky, blocking the heat from his body. My corset and Caleb’s weight made it hard to breathe and I was fighting my own instincts to tear into him with every bit of pent up desire that had accumulated since puberty.

Despite all of this, I was elated. There was nothing outside of this moment, only the feel of his lips pressed against mine, his knees pushing open my thighs to cradle his hips against my skirts, my breasts alive and begging for his touch.

The spell was broken when he pulled his face from mine, his hands searching to find a way under my many skirts.

“No hello?” I panted, smiling. Caleb smiled in return while his fingers made their way to a small patch of flesh at the top of my thighs. His hands hung onto my skin, pulsing, waiting for my permission to explore further.

He leaned down to kiss me again, but this time I turned my head away. He didn’t remove his hand from its hiding place, nor did he look hurt, but he paused for a moment waiting for me to tell him to stop. His eyes locked into mine while his fingers slowly circled the flesh they were in possession of, willing to give up this action and move to higher ground if asked to do so.

I did my best to quickly assess what I wanted from him in that moment. There was a strong pull to throw caution to the wind and let him take my virginity right then and there. In fact, my hands had a strong grasp on his buttocks and seemed very unwilling to let go.

With a deep sigh, a reluctant release of his backside and a motion to sit-up, I blurted, “I was going to clean up before I came to find you.”

Better than the “I think I love you” that was on the tip of my tongue, I supposed.

Caleb rolled off me, allowing me to sit. He perched on the edge of the bed and held his hand out to me. “I can help you with that.”

There was a devilish grin on his face. While I had called a stop to our encounter this day, we both knew that the days to come would lead to my undoing.

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AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born in Dundas, ON, Lilith Thorn is a restless wanderer. Her first move was to St. Catharines where she earned a Theatre degree at Brock University. Despite her parents’ wish that she would return home and work at McDonalds after graduating, Lilith refused and instead moved to Toronto to give acting the ‘Old College Try.’ After years of sacrificing her other passions for the stage and an empty bank account, she put away those dreams to say “Yes” to a different adventure. This took her to Dublin, Ireland for a few years where she met, fell in love with, and married another Canadian who took her to the one place she said she’d never live: Yellowknife. After nearly a decade in Canada’s Great White North, Lilith looks forward to further adventures with her husband and two children, just about anywhere.

Lilith Thorn is a pen name, the pseudonym used to protect the innocent; that is, so she hopefully never has to explain to her mother-in-law over dinner that she has written an erotic novel.

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                                                        Visit other stops in the tour schedule here. Enjoy!


  1. Thank you so much for hosting this stop on The Becoming's virtual book tour! :)

  2. Who is your favorite literary charachter?

    1. Great question Bernie. I'm not sure if I have one.... I do like Claire from the Outlander series. I spend most of my days feeling a bit like Alice or Dorothy and Tess of the D'urbervilles has stuck with me since I read the book in Highschool. It's hard to say. Do you have a favourite?

  3. Always fun to hear about another new great book. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you so much for posting the book and author info. This sounds like a great read.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Bea (my niece shares your name). I hope you get a chance to read The Becoming.

  5. Do you have any plans for your next book?


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