Ghosters 2: Revenge of the Library Ghost

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
“Dawg, there is definitely something weird going on in this library.”
Elbie is right. But I can’t tell if it’s the air-conditioning making the little hairs on my arms stand up, or a ghost.
It’s been a year since Theresa and her English friend, Kerry, won the Ghosters contest. Now her little brother, Joey, has stumbled on a mystery in the school library. Blasts of cold air, lights that flicker, and books flying off the shelves start Joey and his friend, Elbie, searching for the reason.
Elbie lives above his family’s mortuary and is very comfortable around the ghosts that troop through its halls. He’s a prankster and doesn’t mind Joey’s Asperger’s behaviors. When the boys discover a ghost holding Joey’s bug book hostage, they team up with Theresa and Kerry to decode the ghostly messages found in the titles of the books thrown by the library ghost.
The story centered on a couple of middle schoolers Joey, high function on the Asperger/Autism spectrum and Elbie, who has ADHD, and a haunted library. Their class visits a library when a ghost makes itself known by creating havoc. It was no big deal apparently to Joey who lives in a haunted house with family. I have to say the one thing that stood out in this story, which is the second installment in Corbitt's Ghoster series. is that the two central characters are what some people would classify as "challenged". I think their uniqueness is what makes them the perfect people to solve the mystery of why this library's ghost is angry and hasn't moved on from the earthly plane. Enter Joey's sister Kerry and her friend Kerry. The story moves along at a moderate pace and the character development is stellar. I didn't read the first installment but I don't feel that I missed out on much. The author did a great job of creating an engaging, humorous and fun mystery that also shows how someone who has challenges like Joey and Elbie navigates their way through what the world throws at them. I think this is a fantastic book for young readers.
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